| What's this about |
2018-10-09 by AmitWhat is this
- A place to share some of my thoughts, opinions, ideas
Why did I need to do this
- Because I could :)
- Because I feel too strongly about some of the ideas / opinions to keep to myself
- Because I hope this way I can better organize all the stuff I am working on
How was this built
This is a static site hosted for free on GitHub. The html is generated using a shell script I cobbled together
Essentially a lightly modified version of Expose - a wonderful bash script by Jack Qiao Theme is based off Hyde
Why didn\'t you just use Jekyll / Hugo / something similar
- Because I love the elegance and simplicity of one bash script handling everything I need to publish.
- No dependency on Ruby / Python / Go or anything other than couple of css files and an html template
- Despite having a little bit of exposure of working with Jekyll, the liquid filters still seemed a little magical to me. I understand the workings of bash better :)
- Also, I could customize the bash-script to more closely suit my work-flow
Current issues
- Broken links, here and there
- Haywire formatting
- Unedited posts; hopefully no spelling errors though
And many, many more